Heavy Truck Defective Products

A collision involving a tractor-trailer or commercial truck can change someone’s life in an instant. Because of the significant weight and size of these vehicles, passenger cars and motorcycles do not fare well when hit by such vehicles. Injuries can be catastrophic, and sometimes, even fatal. 

If a tractor-trailer collision happened because of a defective automotive or safety product, the manufacturer of that part may be held legally responsible. Zinns Law handles a number of heavy truck defective products cases, including:

  • Defective steering or transmission
  • Defective brakes
  • Defective hydraulic systems
  • Defective fuel systems
  • Defective or worn tires
  • Faulty electrical components
  • Inadequate safety lighting
  • Improper load balancing, cargo restraints

Additionally, trucking companies and their employees are responsible for following federal and state safety regulations. There are strict laws in place concerning the maintenance and inspection of vehicles, and failure to do this could be considered negligence.

The commercial trucking industry is complicated and highly regulated. If you’ve been seriously injured or have lost a loved one due to a heavy truck defective product, you’ll need an experienced attorney on your side. Please contact us for help with your case.

Heavy Truck Defective Products